The Conversations

meet tobiloba

Hello, Tobiloba here; thanks for stopping by. This point is the part where I get to introduce myself. Still, before I do that, I'd like you to know that this is not a one-way conversation. I am very interested in getting to know you, so feel free to join my mailing list so we can keep in touch. 

 You will see a pop-up across your screen in a few seconds ( if you have not already seen it) that allows me to present my argument about why I believe you are a genius. ( Please do not hesitate to leave your details in the pop-up box, so we can chat better if you 

missed the pop-up; that's ok, you can click here).​​ 

I was going to write this in a 3rd-person style  

like articles like these are primarily written, but then I had a rethink, 

let's get rid of the "middleman" approach. 

So I am Tobiloba; I don't necessarily like 

to be categorized in terms of who I am. 

Now don't get me wrong, 

 I very well understand that my works 

would have to fall into a category to make them more accessible. Since present-day civilization generally thrives on categorizing things, we need "boxes" to make organization easier. I understand and accept this fact. Still, as a human, I enjoy that I am aware of life's beautiful ambiguities; knowing that life is not always "Black and White," The greys are beautiful, too; when one is in surrender to God, I accept that. 

 I am constantly seeking to understand my uniqueness. I am always proud of it; I am a constant work in progress and continuous evolution, I believe in God, and I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. 

 I don't believe that organized religion was Jesus' plan; I know that His Church is more significant and should be more influential than the systems that organized religion can support. I admit that there are benefits to organized religion, which has blessed my life in the past and is still blessing my life currently. Still, I believe for "the church" to fully manifest her power as christ has empowered her, organized religion will have to fall first.  

We can discuss that later. 


So I am privileged to have found a few 

niches in which I have applied myself 

over the years. I am constantly seeking ways to improve how I serve. 

Of a few of the slots I'd mention here, the first to say (and probably the most prominent as of now) would be via music. 

I am a musical artist, a songwriter as well as a multi-instrumentalist. I am also a medical doctor, and I am currently specializing as a psychiatrist. I also serve as the founder and Creative lead for THE N.D.I.C.Y. VISION, a non-profit organization operating since 2012 ( N.D.I.C.Y. stands for Neither do I condemn you). 

I encourage you to find out more about that here; I wouldn't want to digress. 

I host this Talk Show named Candid Conversations with Tobiloba; we discuss socially pressing issues in the light of as much truth as we kind have access to; it's courageous, honest, and raw. 


 Why does this sound like a response to an interview question? Haha! 

I'd stop here. I just wanted to welcome you and give you a glimpse into how my mind works. 

I think you deserve that, at the very least, if you have taken the time to visit. So, I hope we get along better. 

Nice to meet you, and thanks for stopping by once again.

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